Our Professional Turf Mixtures represent the “best of the best” and contain some of the newest and highest rated NTEP varieties from our product line.
Disclaimer: Seed mixes may change due to seed shortages or supply issues.
**1 Acre= 43,560 square feet
Fresh Start Mixture – 3-4 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 25% Blue Note Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% NuGlade Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% Impact Kentucky Bluegrass
- 13% Stellar 4GL Perennial Ryegrass
- 12% Principal II Perennial Ryegrass
The best of all we have to offer! “Fresh Start” is designed for new seeding and will result in a “BALANCED” population of truly “elite” bluegrasses and perennial rye plants. The very high seed count of these elite bluegrasses translates into considerably more coverage per pound.
Fresh Start Mixture Tech Sheet
Best of the Blues Mixture – 3 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 25% NuGlade Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% Blue Note Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% Impact Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% Everest Kentucky Bluegrass
“Best of the Blues” mix is just the mixture for the discriminating homeowner, who is willing to be patient, while this “SOD” lawn develops. Not just four “named” bluegrasses but, four of the very best varieties.
Best of the Blues Mixture Tech Sheet
New Start Mixture – 5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 25% Impact Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% Blue Note Kentucky Bluegrass
- 20% Principal II Perennial Ryegrass
- 20% Stellar 4GL Perennial Ryegrass
- 10% Apple 3GL Perennial Ryegrass
“New Start” mix also represents the best of what anyone has to offer. It is ideal for homeowners who want to do it right the first time, highly recommended where an above average maintenance program is anticipated. There will be no “filler” varieties in this mixture.
Champion Shady Mixture – 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 30% Edgewood or Cardinal II Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Zodiac Chewings Fescue
- 15% Heathland Chewings Fescue
- 15% Stellar 4GL Perennial Ryegrass
- 10% Beacon Hard Fescue
- 10% Action Kentucky Bluegrass
The diversity of improved fine fescues in “Champion Shady” will easily out perform those shade mixes that consist primarily of the poorer performing “common” red fescue. Shade grasses are slower to develop; we recommend keeping the lawn well watered during establishment period and avoid over fertilization.
Champion Shady Mixture Tech Sheet
Premium Athletic Mixture – 4-5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 20% Kelly Kentucky Bluegrass
- 20% Vision Perennial Ryegrass
- 15% Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
- 15% Babe Kentucky Bluegrass
- 15% Silver Dollar Perennial Ryegrass
- 15% Stellar 4GL Perennial Ryegrass
Our “Premium Athletic” mix has specific handpicked varieties that are rated high on the NTEP test for wear tolerance and overall performance. These varieties have proven to be dense & competitive under compaction and tearing from football and soccer cleats.
Premium Athletic Mixture Tech Sheet
Champion Brand – 4-5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 25% Babe Kentucky Bluegrass
- 25% Action Kentucky Bluegrass
- 20% Paragon 2 GLR Perennial Ryegrass
- 15% Principal II Perennial Ryegrass
- 15% Slugger 3GL or Fastball 3GL Perennial Ryegrass
The “Champion Brand” mix contains 50% of improved bluegrasses and 50% of our best elite perennial ryegrasses. In full sun, Champion Brand will produced a better than average quality turf that will do well even under low maintenance.
Dura Shade Mixture – 7-8 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 45% Supersonic Tall Fescue
- 40% Raptor LS Tall Fescue
- 7.5% Zodiac Chewings Fescue
- 7.5% Heathland Chewings Fescue
We highly recommend “Dura Shade” for new seeding in shaded areas. These deep rooted new tall fescues will compete with tree roots and will produce a sturdier and more durable turf. Dura Shade can also be used for over-seeding if the turf is thin.
Damp Shade Mixture – 5-6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 20% Edgewood Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Cardinal II Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Heathland Chewings Fescue
- 15% Patriot 4 or Evening Shade Perennial Ryegrass
- 15% Poa Trivialis
- 10% Kentucky Bluegrass
As the name implies, “Damp Shade“, this mix should be considered where the soil is usually damp. Poa trivialis has a very high seed count! It will sprout quickly and do as well as anything else in moist conditions. Lawns that grow in the shade do not tolerate high traffic or high fertility.
Tall Fescue Mixture – 8-10 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 20% Supersonic Tall Fescue
- 20% Raptor LS Tall Fescue
- 20% Titanium G-LS Tall Fescue
- 20% Bullseye LTZ Tall Fescue
- 20% Firecracker G-LS Tall Fescue
The tall fescue found in our “Tall Fescue” mix are getting better all the time! The genetic diversity of this mixture offers some of the highest rated performers. This is the best low maintenance seed mix available in our area. Tall Fescue does well in sandy areas.
Tall Fescue Mixtures should be planted before October 10 in Northeast Ohio.
Tall Fescue Mixture Tech Sheet
Fescue Plus Mixture – 7-8 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 25% Bullseye LTZ Tall Fescue
- 25% Turismo Tall Fescue
- 25% Traverse 2 SRP Tall Fescue
- 18% Titanium G-LS Tall Fescue
- 7% Action Kentucky Bluegrass
Our “Fescue Plus” mix has become increasingly popular! All highly rated tall fescues and a hint of improved bluegrass for plant diversity. This mix is for the homeowner wanting a nice looking, low maintenance, drought tolerant lawn!
Tall Fescue Mixtures should be planted before October 10 in Northeast Ohio.
Fescue Plus Mixture Tech Sheet
Oliger’s Grid Iron Mixture – 8-10 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 40% Avenger III Tall Fescue
- 40% Royal Star Tall Fescue
- 10% Action Kentucky Bluegrass
- 10% Infusion Perennial Ryegrass
“Oliger’s Grid Iron” mix is our latest addition. This mix has highly rated tall fescues, improved perennial ryegrass for quick establishment, and improved bluegrass for plant diversity. This mix will provide a nice looking, low maintenance, drought tolerant lawn!
Tall Fescue Mixtures should be planted before October 10 in Northeast Ohio.
No Mow Mixture – 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.
- 40% Nanook Hard Fescue
- 30% Sword II Hard Fescue
- 30% Blue Mesa Sheep Fescue
The fine bladed “No Mow” mix will not look like you traditional lawn. Un-mowed height will top out at 8-10″. No Mow can be mowed occasionally (to suite the property owner’s taste). Competitors mix contains chewings or creeping red fescues. However, they simply do not do the job as well as our mix!